Friday, October 26, 2012

So this is just something that I wrote a few days back. Hope you like it! " My hands shake as I hold the paper in front of me. Arms tense and trying to not shake as much. Sweat drips down my neck and forehead which makes me even more hot and self-conscious. My face is pale even though lights blind me. Bright red curtains on each side don’t help me to focus either. My shirt feels ten times smaller, constricting my breath as I speak. I know I’m speaking but I don’t understand a word I say. All I can hear is a mumble of sound which must be my own voice. The only thing I can focus on are the eyes in the darkness staring me down, waiting for a mistake. If I do, they’ll tear me apart and put me to shame. The paper I hold has a bunch of writing which I don’t even know that it’s mine. I am coming towards the end but it feels like forever. Then I finish. I speak the last word, then, silence. That’s when I know I messed it all up. All the other kids that gave speeches got a standing ovation, but not me. No, I would never be cheered on for doing something that scared me to death. How could I be so foolish enough to think that I could have a chance at doing a good job? No one would ever say that I did a good job, because no one had the heart to lie to me. Even my own mother wouldn’t lie to me to make me feel better. All I want to do was curl up and die, never having to see this wretched world again. I would feel no more embarrassment, no more pain. That would take care of everything. Mrs. Granis came from the side of the stage; giving a half fake smile and excusing me. I practically ran off the stage. I feel auburn hair fall out from its loose bun onto my shoulders. On the left of me, a room that had a lock called out my name. Perfect, because no one could come and pity me like I was a four year old. I could hide and cry for as long as I wanted in peace. Opening and going into the room felt like water on a hot burn. Shutting the door and locking it felt like putting ice on the hot burn. My sister knocked on the door but I ignored it. Oh how I wish that I was a good speaker like my sister. She had the confidence and the beauty. When she spoke, everyone listened, no one disregarded her, and when she finished, everyone stood up and cheered. But that’s her. Not me. I sit there crying, my cheeks hot as I feel tears roll down. This is the day; I promise I will never, ever, speak on stage again." So yeah! Just a fun little thing.
Wow, I feel so bad because I haven't posted in so long Lol... I'm thinking about posting stuff from my writing class. So you'll probably see some posts soon :)